Hunting is steeped in tradition and although the HBH are not your typical hunt and hunt the clean boot, we still like to keep the traditions alive so please do follow these rules and suggestions.
What to wear
As a newcomer you are aiming at looking inconspicuous with a tweed jacket, fawn/beige breeches, a white shirt and tie, black/brown boots and a velvet cap or jockey skull with a dark silk. You can also wear a stock if you have one and a black/navy jacket (hunt jackets are thicker than competition jackets and withstand bushes and mud better!) during main season. However rat catcher (shirt & tie) is fine all season if you prefer.
Under 16's stay in Rat Catcher all season.
Your horse and tack should be clean and, unless you have been told specifically, plait the horses mane. Hogging or native plaits are fine – aim to be smart.
The ritual of presenting yourself and your horse neatly may seem eccentric yet is a vital part of hunting as it shows you are honouring the generosity of the landowners who have invited you to ride over their land as well as the hard work of the hunt staff.